​Surf Green Mean Machine Madness Blasts The Wild West into the Stratosphere!

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A triple-dick-wicked rock n ‘ roll onslaught of Fender Cst Shop strats, featuring the timeless 1960 Surf Green Strat Relic, the ’60 Surf-Green-over-Shell-Pink HSS and the White Lightning Oly-White-over-Surf Green Floyd Rose firestarter, are guaranteed to keep it hot, wet and drippin’ with sweat! The Surf Green ’60 Relic Strat, a sort-for-lightweight-wood rock monster with bags of mojo to burn rides hard alongside The Jawbreaker, which sports the ’78 Zebra Duncan, 12-inch radius and jumbo fretwire. White Lightning/Surf Green rounds out the list of six-string suspects, proving there is no parole from rock n’ roll.