Paul Reed Smith PRS Private Stock # 10384 McCarty 594 Singlecut Hollowbody I Piezo Brazilian Rosewood Fingerboard Aqua Violet Glow Smoked Burst 5.95 LBS

Type: Electric

This Is Private Stock Private Stock represents the highest quality of materials, the most personally crafted instruments, and the greatest level of customization available from PRS. Whether you choose a Limited Edition instrument or a Built to Order guitar, every Private Stock is conceived and built with a “one-off” mentality.…

Wild West Guitars: Perennial PRS Private Stock Dealer of The Year Builds Your Perfect Beasts

Type: Blog

…mind-blowing finishes such as Aqua Violet Glow (PS5680) and Winter’s Grey (PS5438) electrify the six-string senses. An insane, double-quilt-diablo-face-maple Hollowbody II Dirty Blonde Delight burns a hole in your consciousness. A Zombie-Fade-World’s-On-Fire-stained-maple fretboard from the molten core of the rock n’ roll universe blazes on the Mahogany Mauler, a one-piece-Mahogany-quilt-body…